Ms. Spechenkova Nadezda

AN Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Research Centre of Biochemistry of RAS,

Spechenkova Nadezdahave graduated from Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy  with a degree in Agronomy – genetics and plant breeding specialization in 2015. The topic of her Bachelor thesis is "Method development for obtaining haploid triticale and wheat by anther culture technique in vitro". Now she is pursuing her Master's Degree at the same university, biotechnology specialization and making research on obtaining haploid triticale from anther culture and microspores in vitro under the guidance of Ph.D. Jana Mishutkina at the Federal Research Center "Bioengineering". In addition she is a Junior Researcher at Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IDB RAS) in the GROUP OF THE PLANT GENETIC ENGINEERING AND GENOME EDITING in the laboratory of regulation of morphogenesis under the guidance of Professor, D.Sc. Alexander Gaponenko. At the laboratory she and her group is researching on transcription factors and methods of their integration with the plant genome.