Sunday, 24 June 2018




Welcome Reception


Opening Remarks
Mr Daan du Toit, Deputy Director-General, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Welcoming Address by the Executive Mayor of eThekwini Municipality
Councillor Zandile Ruth Thelma Gumede



Monday, 25 June 2018

Session 1: Opening of the 3rd BRICS Young Scientist Forum
Chair: Mr Daan du Toit Deputy Director-General, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Registration (Tea, Coffee and Refreshments Served)


Opening Remarks
Dr Neville Arendse, Chief Director, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Keynote Address
Mr Daan du Toit, Deputy Director-General, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Remarks from Leaders of BRICS Delegations

  • Brazil (5 min)
  • India (5 min)
  • Russia (5 min)
  • China (5 min)


Outline of the 3rd BRICS Young Scientist Programme
Ms Bongi Mkhize, Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Group Photo



Session 2 : BRICS Young Women in Science Dialogue
Facilitator: Dr Ronicka Mudaly, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa


Facilitator Opens the Dialogue and Introduces the Main Speakers
Dr Ronicka Mudaly, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa


Presenter 1
Topic: The Strategic Role of Women in Globalised Science

  • Prof Alta Schutte, North West University, South Africa


Presenter 2
Topic: My Road Through Science: Achievements and Challenges

  • Ms Pelly Malebe, University of Pretoria, South Africa


Lead Discussant

  • Dr Fernanda Werneck Fernanda Werneck, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)/ Institute of Amazonian Research



  • Ms Maria Burilina, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russia Academy of Sciences;
  • Ms Tatiana Pirozhkova, Tambov State University



  • Ms. Deepika Kandoi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi






Tea/Coffee Break


Group Discussion


Facilitator Wrap up and Closing Comments

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Session 3: Parallel Sessions on Energy, Water and Social Sciences


Opening Remarks
Dr Neville Arendse, Chief Director, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Breakaway of Parallel Sessions Part 1

Parallel Session on Energy
Topic: Present and Future Energy Imperatives of BRICS Economies

Facilitator: Prof Phuti Ngoepe, University of Limpopo, South Africa

Parallel Session on Water
Topic: Strategic Management and Conservation of BRICS Water Resources in the Context of Global Climate Change

Facilitator: Prof Roland Schulze, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Parallel Session on Social Science
Topic: Impact and Challenges of Modern ICTs on Youth Identity and Socio-Cultural Choices

Facilitator: Ms Ester van der Linde, MERSAT, South Africa


Facilitator Introduction

Facilitator Introduction

Facilitator Introduction


Presenter 1

Presenter 1

  • Milshina Yulia, National Research University, Higher School of Economics

Presenter 1

  • Dr Leonardo Fontes , State University of São Paulo


Lead Discussant

  • Mr. Dipesh Kumar, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi;
  • Mr. Roby Soni, CSIR-National, Chemical Laboratory, Pune

Lead Discussant
South Africa

  • Dr Nonjabulo Gule, University of Stellenbosch

Lead Discussant

  • Alexander Chekov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations;
  • Igor Semenovsky, Financial University under the RF Government


South Africa

  • Dr Pontsho Mbule, University of South Africa

Discussant 1

  • Dr Joao Paulo Bassin, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Mr Rafael Mendoca Duarte

Discussant 1
South Africa

  • Ms Nolukhanyo Theodora Metula


Discussant 2

  • Dr Frederico Kronemberger, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Discussant 2

  • Ms. Pinki Rani Agrawal, CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi;
  • Mr. Rahul Sahebrao Sutar, IIT Bombay, Mumbai

Discussant 2
(Title, Name, Surname, Institution)


Discussant 3

  • Mikhail Gapanovich, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Dmitry Podlesniy, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Discussant 3

Discussant 3
(Title, Name, Surname, Institution)

  • Ms. Harsha V, BITS Pilani;
  • Mr. Amarnath Pathak, National Institute of Mizoram


Tea/Coffee Break


Breakaway of Country Groups

Breakaway of Country Groups

Breakaway of Country Groups


Summary of Country Groups

5 min Per Presentation

  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • India
  • China
  • South Africa

Summary of Country Groups

5 min Per Presentation

  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • India
  • China
  • South Africa

Summary of Country Groups

5 min Per Presentation

  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • India
  • China
  • South Africa


Facilitator Wrap-up and Closing Comments

Facilitator Wrap-up and Closing Comments

Facilitator Wrap-up and Closing Comments



Session 4A: BRICS Young Innovator Prize
Chair: Dr Neville Arendse, Chief Director, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Chair Opens the Competition and Introduces the Adjudication Panel and the Participants


Presentation of the Rules
Ms Geralda Winkler, Central University of Technology, South Africa
Chair of the Adjudication Panel


Young Innovator Prize – 1st Session of Elimination Round

20 min Per Submission

  • Brazil - Raphael Machado Garcez Pizzi
  • Russia - Assel Akhmetova, AN Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology
  • India - Abhishek Bhagat (Innovator, NIF), Bhagalpur Bihar
  • China - WU Yifan, Shanghai Yunli Information Technology Co.Ltd
  • South Africa - Name, Surname


Tea/Coffee Break


Young Innovator Prize – 2nd Session of Elimination Round

20 min per Submission

  • Brazil - Simony César Ramos de Moura
  • Russia - Alexander Lyapunov, Chita State Medical Academy
  • India - Anang Tadar (Innovator, NIF), Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh
  • China - WANG Shu, Quindao Wisdom Yungu Intelligent Co. Ltd
  • South Africa – Andrew Mayer,


Adjudication Panel Deliberates


Adjudication Chair Announces the 5 Competitors to go through to the YIP Finals
Ms Geralda Winkler, Central University of Technology, South Africa


Chair Wrap-up and Closing Remarks

Session 4B: Breakaway of Parallel Sessions Part 2 - Open Platform for Presentations on Research Areas and Priorities


Parallel Session on Energy
Topic: Present and Future Energy Imperatives of BRICS Economies

Facilitator: Dr Mkhulu Mathe, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa

Parallel Session on Water
Topic: Strategic Management and Conservation of BRICS Water Resources in the Context of Global Climate Change

Facilitator: Prof Roland Schulze, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Topic: Impact and Challenges of Modern ICTs on Youth Identity and Socio-Cultural Choices

Facilitator: Mr Stanley Maphosa, Academy of South Africa (ASSAf), South Africa

13:30 - 13:35

Facilitator Introduction

Facilitator Introduction

Facilitator Introduction

13:35 - 15:45

7 min per presentation

  1. “Smart Management in Indoor Energy Utilization - Electrochromism and its Perspectives", by Sreejith Shankar P, CSIR-NIIST, India
  2. “Composite cylinders for portable hydrogen applications" by Ashton Swartbooi, CSIR, South Africa
  3. Waste to Energy: Confectionery waste as a substrate for renewable energy production by Carol Ngwenya, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  4. Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage System, by Chen Haisheng, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  5. Agglomeration of Coal Fines using microalgae slurry as a potential route of upgrading the discard Coal Fines by Hope Baloyi, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
  6. Energy Security, Diversity & Socio-economic Development by Khuthala Somdaka, Coega Development Corporation, South Africa
  7. A potential disaster from a promising field of biofuels, by Ndzondelelo Bingwa, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  8. The past, present and future prospects of lithium ion batteries cathode materials, by Nomasonto Rapulenyane, CSIR, South Africa
  9. Optofluidic Microreactors for Energy and Enviromental Applications, by Chen Rong, Chongqing University, China
  10. “Luminescent materials to enhance the efficiency of Photovoltaic Solar Cells”, by. Victor Fokotsa Molefe, University of South Africa
  11. “Global Collaborative Fusion Energy Research: from Physics to Engineering”, by Gao Zhe, Tsinghua University, China
  12. “The potential of cassava root and banana peel utilization as a source of clean energy in South Africa”, by , Tonna Ashim Anyasi, University of Venda, South Africa
  13. “The latency of firewood” by Anton Pillay, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

7 min per presentation

  1. “Water Cycle Under Global Warming”, by Lin Xiaopei, Ocean University, China
  2. “Water Remediation with Nanotechnology”, by Jing Chuanyong, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  3. “The Issue of Mine-Impacted Water within BRICS – Problem or Opportunity?”, by Tamsyn Grewar, Mintek, South Africa
  4. “Synthesis and application of a molecularly imprinted polymer in the solid-phase extraction of selected acidic pharmaceutical from wastewater”, by Silindile Zungu, Durban University of Technology, South Africa
  5. “Preparation of ZnO photocatalysts for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of BPA in aqueous environments”, by Lethula Mofokeng, CSIR, South Africa
  6. “Evaluation of DPMETHS model for improved estimation of open water evaporation in South Africa”, by Lindumusa Myeni, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
  7. “Emerging organic contaminants as environmental tracers for the determination of ingress points”, by Lufuno Ligavha-Mbelengwa, Council for Geosciences, South Africa
  8. “Advance technology development for wastewater treatment”, by. Binota Thokchom, IIT Guwahati, India
  9. “The Development of a Participatory Community-Based Mapping Methodology for Climate Smart and Resilient Informal Settlements: A Case Study of Quarry Road West Informal Settlement, Durban, South Africa”, by Bahle Mazeka, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  10. “Impact of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Solutions in Addressing Water Quality: A Case Study Approach”, by Mendi Shozi and Kavandren Moodley, CSIR, South Africa
  11. “Breeding indigenous beef cattle genotypes with exotic bovine species as a mitigation strategy to the ever changing climatic conditions and water crisis of South Africa: Turning threats into opportunities for the future in livestock production”, by Mhlangabezi Slayi, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
  12. “Assessment of the grapevine and environmental interactions: integrating weather and satellite data in the context of climate change for improved adaptation strategies, South Africa”, by Tara Southey, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  13. “Reduce health risk of arsenic poisoning by remediation of drinking water based on biomineralization”, by Pan Xiangliang, Zhejiang University of Technology, China
  14. REJECTING THE DUTCH DISEASE NOTION? Debunking the resources-growth nexus: Understanding the long-term behaviour of the contribution of natural resources to GDP in BRICS - Strategic and conservation management of BRICS natural/water resources for GDP growth,, by Basanda

7 min per presentation

  1. “Understanding morality using online conversations”, by Rishemjit Kaur, CSIR- CSIO, India
  2. “The impact of social media on the identity of youth, cultural choices and sociability” by Arvitha Doodnath, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
  3. 3.“The Intersection of modern ICT Technologies and Cultural Identity in South Africa: A Decolonial Perspective", by Akhona Nkenkana, University of South Africa
  4. “Social Media Information Communication Technology (ICT) Platforms as Sources of Ideas for Youth Entrepreneurs” by Michael Sizwe Mkhwanazi, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  5. “Exploratory study on the use of quadratic voting as a methodology to measure a community’s preference on key areas of focus through mobile devices”, by Khanya Vilakazi, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
  6. 6.“The social responsibility of local web news in reclaiming food security and people's identities in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa”, by Nolukhanyo Metula, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
  7. “A Formula Embedding Approach to Math Information Retrieval” by Amarnath Pathak, National Institute of Mizoram, India


Tea/Coffee Break

16:00 - 19:30

7 min per presentation

  1. “The Role of PGMs in Fuel Cell Technologies ", by Nqobile Xaba, CSIR, South Africa
  2. “Beneficiation of waste coal using Scenedesmus microalgae biomass” by Sibongiseni Gaqa, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
  3. “Long-range ordering of bulk heterojunctions for organic photovoltaics”, by Li Hanying, Zhejiang University, China
  4. “Exploration of Metal-Organic Frameworks Derived from Waste Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) for Energy-Related Applications”, by Xoliswa Dyosiba, CSIR, South Africa
  5. “1D Growth of Conducting Polymers over Carbon Morphologies Towards High-Performance Supercapacitors", by Roby Soni, CSIR-National, Chemical Laboratory, India
  6. 18.“Towards alternative Green-fuels and CO2 –mitigation”, by Xolile Fuku, CSIR, South Africa
  7. “Investigating energy usage among low-income households and the implications for risk”, by Alberto Francioli, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  8. “Potentials of ZSM-5 zeolite in the valorization of wastes to fuels and petrochemicals”, by Yusuf Makarfi” , Durban University of Technology, South Africa
  9. “Sustainable coal use in South Africa”, by Marvin Ofentse Moroeng, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  10. “Control and Utilization of Subsurface Fires: Turn Hazards to Resources”, by Zhou Fubao, University of Mining, China
  11. “Factors Causing Delay of Modification Projects in a Power Plant”, by Sikholiwe Ntoyanto, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  12. “The Electric Vehhicle Development and Application Status in China”, by Gan Haiyun, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, China
  13. “Climate and China's Water-Energy nexus”, by Zhu Yongnan, Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China
  14. “Potential for Demand Response programs under high penetration of Electric Vehicles in South Africa”, by Paseka Mabina, CSIR, South Africa
  15. “Exploring the feedbacks between climate resilient buildings and energy imperatives in South African cities: The need for an integrated assessment framework for city planning”, by Yerdashin Padayachi, CSIR, South Africa.

7 min per presentation

  1. “Spatio-Temporal Assessment of KZN Dams Using Landsat 8 OLI Dataset in the Wake of Climate Change and Sedimentation Processes”, by Oupa Malahlela, South African National Space Agency, South Africa
  2. “Performance Evaluation of Polymer Composites for Wastewater Remediation: Implications for Water Reuse " by Lindani Mdlalose, CSIR, South Africa
  3. Characteristics of Water Resources and its Management Practices in China”, by Huang Changshuo, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, China
  4. “Ecological infrastructure: Durban's new 'water moment' in the context of climate change?", by Patrick Martel, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  5. “An innovative, low cost solution for treating mine-impacted water with value recover”, by Tyan Marais, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  6. “Carbon Nanolights for Water Pollutants Monitoring”, by Pooja Devi, CSIR-CSOI, Chandigarh, India
  7. “Forward Osmosis a Desalination Technology”, by Zandile Estella Jingxi, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
  8. “Quantifying the water use of cover crops commonly grown in South African apple orchards”, by Zanele Ntshidi, CSIR, South Africa
  9. “Ecosystem services provided by South African palmiet wetlands: can we justify the true cost of development?”, by Alanna Rebelo, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  10. “Processes and Approaches of Coastal Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration”, by Zhang Yao, Xiamen University, China
  11. “A novel framework and approach of maritime information transmission”, by Shen Zhong, Nanhai National Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization, Hainan University, China
  12. “The application and extractive chemistry of base metals with imidazole-based extractants from wastewater”, by Puleng Moleko-Boyce, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
  13. “Towards improved water use and management in the context of climate-smart agriculture: prospect for smallholder farmers in BRICS countries” , by Rodney Lavhelesani Managa, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
  14. “Water does not come from a tap: restore ecosystems for future water security”, by Phumza Ntshotsho, CSIR, South Africa
  15. “Sino-Africa water technology Innovation : communication and dialogue”, by Zhang Jin, Zhejiang Normal University, China
  16. “Integrated Water Resources Management in China: Practicing the Strictest Water Resources Management System”, by Liu Jiahong, Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China
  17. “Flood Frequency Analysis and Design Flood Estimation in the Luvuvhu River Catchment, South Africa”, by Mulalo Thavhana, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa

7 min per presentation

  1. “Digitized Displacement: Digital connectivity as a critical factor influencing socio-economic mobility of individuals in emerging economies”, by Nhlanhla Gamede, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  2. TBC, by Chekov Alexander, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia
  3. “Socialisation, Security and Future”, by Subhankar Mishra, NISER, Bhubaneswar, India
  4. “The provision of Digital Skills towards developing the capacity of youth who are Not in Education, Employment Or Training (Neet) for the future of work”, by Walter Matli, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
  5. "Urban land question: South African Universities in cities", by Mihlali Mzileni, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Session 5: Workshop on Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Facilitator: Mr McLean Sibanda, Executive Director, Innovation Hub (South Africa)


Facilitator Opens the Workshop and Introduces the Main Speakers


Opening Remarks
Mr Patrick Krappie, Executive Manager: Strategic Engagements & Corporate Relations, Technology Innovation Agency (South Africa)




Lead Discussant


Discussant 1
Dr Nitin Maurya, Scientist-C, NIF, Ahmedabad, India


Discussant 2
Evgeniy Anikin, Moscow Institute of Physics, Russian Federation


Discussant 3
Mr Vishen Pillay, Adams and Adams, South Africa




Tea/Coffee Break


Group Discussion


Facilitator Wrap-up and Closing Remarks



Session 6: Seminar on Science Diplomacy, Advice and Communication
Facilitator: Mr Joseph Senona, Director, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Facilitator Opens the Seminar and Introduces the Main Speakers


Presenter 1

  • Mr Daan du Toit, Deputy Director-General, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Lead Discussant

  • “Paradigm shift in Science Diplomacy” by Dr Harshal Kumar, HONPRO SIGNATORY


Discussant 1

  • Svetlana Krivokhizh, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg
  • Igor Pivinskii, RUDN University


Discussant 2

  • Dr Adriano Veloso, Federal University of Minas Gerais


Discussant 3




Tea/Coffee Break


Group Discussion


Facilitator Wrap-up and Closing Remarks

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Session 7: BRICS Young Innovator Prize Finals
Chair: Dr Neville Arendse, Chief Director, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Chair Opens Session and Welcomes 5 Finalists


Remarks by the Chair of the Adjudication Panel
Ms Geralda Winkler, Central University of Technology, South Africa


Young Innovator Prize Finals

35 min per Submission

Competitor No.1 – Name, Surname and Country
Competitor No.2 - Name , Surname and Country
Competitor No.3 - Name , Surname and Country


Tea/ Coffee Break


Young Innovator Prize Finals

35 min per Submission

Competitor No.4 - Name , Surname and Country
Competitor No.5 - Name , Surname and Country



Session 7: BRICS Young Innovator Prize Results
Facilitator: Dr Neville Arendse, Chief Director, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Adjudicator Panel deliberates


Networking Session


Chair of the Adjudicator Panel announces the winners of the BRICS Young Innovator Prize
Ms Geralda Winkler, Central University of Technology, South Africa


General Feedback of Adjudication Panel

  • Brazil (3 min)
  • Russia (3 min)
  • India (3 min)
  • China (3 min)
  • South Africa (3 min)


Chair Wrap-up and Closing Remarks


Delegates at leisure

Friday, 29 June 2018

Closing Session of the 3rd BRICS Young Scientist Forum

Chair: Mr Daan du Toit, Deputy Director-General, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa


Chair Opens the Final Session and Welcomes all the Participants of the 3rd BRICS Young Scientist Forum


Presentation on BRICS Innovator/Maker Challenge
Ms Ester van der Linde, Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector, Education and Training Authority (MERSETA), South Africa


Prize Giving Ceremony
Dr Phil Mjwara, Director-General, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa

  • BRICS Young Innovator Prize


Closing Remarks
Dr Phil Mjwara, Director-General, Department of Science and Technology of South Africa

  • Leader of the delegation of Brazil (5 min)
  • Leader of the delegation of Russia (5 min)
  • Leader of the delegation of India (5 min)
  • Leader of the delegation of China (5 min)


Media Session
Leaders of the BRICS delegation




 BRICS S&T News 

                                                            Brazil | Russia | India | China | South Africa

Rio Times, 22 December 2022
Brazil: Bitcoin law passed quietly
Brazil's President Jair Messias Bolsonaro has remained silent on the bitcoin law (number 4.401/2021) passed by Congress fifteen days ago, thereby automatically ensuring approval. Read more...
Rio Times, 25 December 2022
Analysis: Brazil could be its own “OPEC” of SAF production, the aviation biofuel
In the race to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a new global market is rapidly emerging, that of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Natural resources place Brazil in a privileged situation comparable to Saudi Arabia's current geopolitical role for oil. Read more...
Rio Times, 3 January 2023
Ultraconnection: Ericsson and Unicamp create 6G research center in Brazil
A new research center is going to be created in Brazil. Read more...
TASS, 2 January 2023
Russia’s Progress space freighter to undock from ISS on Feb. 18 to splash down in Pacific
It is reported that the Progress MS-21 space freighter arrived at the orbital outpost in October 2022 Read more...